Monday, October 8, 2007


For Yom Kippur, I went to a certain yeshiva sometimes referred to by the purest and worst smeds as "the vim." While the shanah bet seems to have been effected by the smeds, shanah alef may have a chance, but who knows? They've only been there for about a month. It's almost ancient history that they once were a place of sweetness and holiness. Now it's so powerful, it almost reminds me of
[I was in Montreal for Simchas Torah - while I don't think that they are in on the revolution, it's definitely not New York].
Please let me know how your Sukkos was - I would call you, but there's something I like about asking you here and maybe not hearing back for a while.


ChassidShoteh said...

excellent post, the corrupting of the shana alef is one of the "House's" biggest concerns. and just a posting tip, the element of suprise would be enhanced greatly if you were to change the link to a diferant text such as in this case, i would have used the word "this"

ChassidShoteh said...

i also must protest against your direcly addressing any one person on the blog. If we are to ever make a differance in this world that we live in, we have to remain formal. DO NOT GIVE UP

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”

-Margaret Mead

ChassidShoteh said...

we should inquire about the wellbeing of eachother, but in future posts you should address the whole revolution, not just one person

Reb Noson said...

Great points. I definitely hear. In terms of changing the text for suprise, I don't know how to do that, but I did try. Let me know what to do.
And you're amazing!

ChassidShoteh said...

in order to make your link a specific word, first write the word, then highlight then click on the hyperlink button. it is a picture of a globe with a piece of chain in front of it. enter the website and click ok (old kinderhook)